Saturday, May 14, 2011

Australia's Bridges: The William Jolly Bridge across the Brisbane River in Queensland (4)

March 2011 (-27.469 deg., 153.016 deg.) William Jolly Bridge

Taking the Brisbane River Ferry under the William Jolly Bridge. Note the ornamented floor beams supporting the girders.

The bridge was constructed (for $840,000) from 1930 to 1932 by Manuel Richard Hornibrook who later built the Sydney Opera House. In 1986 Hornibrook's company merged with a company started by Bert Baulderstone and then it was quickly eaten up by even bigger companies. There's an informative website maintained by Baulderstone with details of the construction of the William Jolly Bridge. Apparently the two river caissons were set on the river bottom, airlocks were set on the top, and the caissons were dug down from the inside until they reached bedrock.

I still don't understand how they encased this steel structure in concrete. Was the concrete sprayed on? We're forms used? 
Creative Commons License
Australia's Bridges: The William Jolly Bridge across the Brisbane River in Queensland (4) by Mark Yashinsky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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