Sunday, August 7, 2016

Monterey County, California Bridges: Larkin Street Bridge across Hartnell Gulch

July 2016 (36.5969, -121.9000) Larkin Street Bridge
Hidden among the heavy foliage of Hartnell Gulch on the north side of Monterey High School is another original bridge structure by John B. Leonard. According to the book Historic Highway Bridges of California, "This bridge is one of three remaining examples of John B. Leonard's 'canticrete' design (a bridge carried on cantilevered steel trusses encased in concrete). It is 20 feet wide and 102 feet long. It features neoclassical detail and is almost completely unmodified."
The National Bridge Inventory reports that it was rehabilitated (widened?) in 2007.
The Larkin Street Bridge was built to provide access to the property that would become Monterey High School in 1914. It is a two span arch bridge that has remained in service (along with the high school) for over 100 years.
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