Monday, March 28, 2011

Australia's Bridges: Brickpit Ring Bridge in Sydney's Olympic Park (2)

March 2011 (-33.840 deg., 151.072 deg.) Brickpit Ring Bridge

The Brickpit Ring Bridge is supported by 'X' shaped piers and cables for additional stability. A ring connects the substructure to the superstructure elements. The superstructure includes cross-braces, more cables, a steel deck, and panels to protect visitors from the elements.

A bridge in the shape of a ring is unusual and stretches the limits of what is a bridge. I recall that the Happy Pontist mentioned a similar bridge that carries visitors over the plants in Kew Gardens. 
Creative Commons License
Australia's Bridges: Brickpit Ring Bridge in Sydney's Olympic Park (2) by Mark Yashinsky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

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